And VueScan does recognize the 7600i, providing archival scans and defect removal, too. LaserSoft also offers an Archive Suite for more advanced options, which we cover in a companion piece to this article. In particular, that means defect removal of dust and scratches. So what was Plustek thinking when they developed their OpticFilm 7000 series of film scanners?Īnd to do it better, they partnered with LaserSoft to bundle a version of its SilverFast scanning software that does just what film scanning needs to do. And high-end all-in-one devices like the Canon MP980 can handle the odd color negative and 35mm slide scan, too. In part this is because flatbeds like the Epson V700/V750 and Microtek F1/M1 have risen to the occasion, producing film scans of excellent quality.